Monday, June 24, 2013

Week 2

Good morning AP students.  Sorry about the change in blog spots.  Those of you who know me, know that I am not really tech savvy and a fellow teacher is helping me with the blog.  So - let's start a different discussion today.  I'm sure you saw this article on yahoo news today, but did you read it?

I can't speak for everyone, but I know I purchase many pre-packaged items when I shop - even though I am aware that it is best to make everything from scratch.  However, companies DO NOT worry about consumer health, as long as the end product is tasty.

Do you worry about what you have put into your body over the years?  Does anyone go grocery shopping with Mom?  What do you see as alternatives?


  1. Hello Ms. Fri!
    Lately, I haven't put a whole lot of thought into what I put into my body to be honest. When I am hungry all that's in my mind is that I want to eat. Sometimes I do go grocery shopping with my mom, and when I do so I usually ask her if we can get this not-so-healthy snack or drink. Usually when she goes alone, she tends to come home with less or no "unhealthy foods" which is a bummer for me because I like snacking.(hahah) The alternatives we can have to these processed foods is eating the actual dish or food instead. In the article the author talks about how they love processed mac n' cheese. The alternative in this case would be actual macaroni and cheese as opposed to fake mac n' cheese. If it were chips or a similar snack we were talking about, I'm not sure what would be a good substitute, roasted almonds maybe? Sorry I can't really think of any at the moment, if I come up with more I'll post my other thoughts later. :)

    1. as opposed to always eating and drinking those snacks by myself I sell them :) for more of a profit in my church >:D big bucks like 50 cents for a 6 pack capri sun so it would make me 3 dollars opposed to the 2 dollars i spent on buying it so I made 1 dollar profit *hehehehe*

  2. To be honest, until the last few years I couldn't care less what I put into my body, as long as it was tasty I couldn't care less what the nutritional value. However, as the research fanatic that I am, I have ran into one too many frightfully truthful articles about the crap they put in processed food, and the effects they can have on the body. Most of the time I do go shopping with my mom, and although I try to stick loads of unhealthy goodness in the cart, she usually goes right behind me and takes everything right back out. Another good thing about my mom is somehow she manages to make pretty much everything from scratch, so I've never had the joy of tasting most of the yummy chemical filled, cancerous products the article raves about. As far as the alternatives go, I completely agree with Kristina in that if you don't want overly processed food, just make your own. Additionally for snacks, I think an adequate substitute would be fruits, and cereal could tackle some cravings(although I'm pretty sure it wouldn't do anything for a potato chip craving.

    1. cereal is the best ;o! but I hate it with milk D:< raw cereal ftw! QQ

  3. Over the past years I haven't put a whole lot of thought into what I put into my body. I will sometimes eat the most unhealthiest things without acknowledging the fact that it could be hazardous to my health. I believed that as long as it satisfied my hunger it would be fine. For the longest time my parents would take my siblings and I with them to go grocery shopping but over the years it has mainly been my parents that go grocery shopping. That somewhat helps because if my siblings and I go with them, we pick up anything we want and try to sneak it into the cart. Now they come home with food that not only is good for our health but provides us more energy. As for the alternatives, I completely agree with my classmates. I believe that instead of eating processed food people could try eating more organic food instead.

    1. I kinda feel guilty though, :( when I dont spend time grocery shopping with my dad I feel as if I am losing family time with him >.< I remember pulling the cart ever since I was six with my sister at the cart seat :3 good times

  4. So far for these comments I would have to agree because most of the time I think of eating a whole lot of Hamburger Helper and Ramen when there isn't necessarily anything else to eat at home. What is even worse is that when I'm out and about I think of fast food in an instant. However I do know that the food sold pre-packaged and frozen aren't that good for you. In Fast Food Nation I know that the tastiest thing in the world (fries) isn't "naturally" made that way like it says on their little holder. I learned that the taste of french fries come from a factory where every taste you can think of is practically made there, artificially. Personally, I think that's pretty gross but I do worry about what I put in my body. I want to eat healthy and be fit but it's just so hard when fast food is really just everywhere since I'm not always home. I go grocery shopping with my parents and I find that my dad likes to shop for organic food and not so much on meat whereas my mom hates cooking nowadays so we're bound to go out and buy something to eat. Alternatives for chips or basically any other type of junk finger food would have to be like peanuts and grapes. Alternatives for packaged juice would be actual fruits and vegetables that are juiced. Alternatives for meat would be vegetables (I'm pretty sure that is what vegetarians eat instead). Anything fresh than processed would be great substitutes honestly.

    1. xD lol those factories~ my family makes their own homemade fries! We peel the skin, chop the potato into fries, drown them in salt water, and just fry them. Hopefully they arent as bad as I hope but :3 they taste good too so yeah!

    2. lol yeah I'm like more than halfway through reading fast food nation and I found it pretty gross that they make the flavor of fries that way.. but the way your family makes it sounds good and not chemically drowned in something (x

    3. Until I read Fast Food Nation (the first time, years ago)I also didn't realize that frozen fries weren't just cut up potatoes - but instead were mashed potatoes, chemicals added for taste, and re-shaped. Then I started reading the labels. Unfortunately, tater tots are even worse. And I like both fries and tots. : )

    4. Really Mrs. Fri tater tots are worse?! I actually thought tater tots tasted even better before but now that I think of it - the flavorists made it that way. I would of thought they were all natural because when you bite into it, it looks like a lot like hash browns (my guilty pleasure from McDonald's were their hash browns when I was younger!).

  5. I agree to all the comments, not until a few weeks ago i never really cared what i eat or drink because i thought that i was still young and still correct my mistakes. But now i realize that if i don't take care of my body and watch what i eat i will be into some things i will regret. Now, I'm trying to eat healthier than ever. I do shop groceries with my mom, and im not going to lie, i always used to buy junk food like hot Cheetos. As an alternatives for junk food, i enjoy eating fruits and salad as my snack through out the day.

    1. I feel that because I am young I get kind of "cocky" since I tell myself I would lose the weight in the future Q.Q but it mostly my dad making me work out that even gets me to even exercise. >.<

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I am in favor of the opinions of my fellow classmates so far. I definitely worry about what I have put into my body over the years. Though I am aware that all these instant, pre-packaged foods include chemical ingredients that are hazardous to my body, I admit to have been eating them at sight. Fortunately, my parents avoid purchasing processed foods, and, instead, often cook meals with fresh ingredients that supply the body with healthy nutrients. I also admit to choosing processed foods over home-cooked meals whenever both are at reach. Of course, processed and instant foods are pleasing to the taste, as the article, "80% of Pre-Packaged Foods in America Are Banned in Other Countries" mentions that food labeling companies generally care about making their food look and taste appealing, as well as earning tons of money, not at all concerning the health of the people buying them. I go grocery shopping with my Mommy sometimes and also admit to "sneaking" junk foods in the cart. Like my classmates, it is actually better when my mother goes grocery shopping without me because she does not purchase processed and junk food on her own. As alternatives for unhealthy food, I see fruits and vegetables in place of chips and deep-fried snacks, or at least get chips that are baked rather than fried. For instance, instead of white bread, substitute it for wheat bread! Basically, limit fast food, candy bars, sugared drinks, and processed foods, and as a substitute, eat fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain products, drink more water, and exercise. There are many ways to improve health, but it can only be accomplished through commitment. With hard work and motivation, one can achieve a healthy lifestyle!

    1. Dieting is what I am trying to do with these summer programs all over the place to give out free food to people ages eighteen and under xD. It is working out fine considering how hungry I feel till we get to dinner I guess. \o/

    2. I agree with Juanna about substituting bad food habits with good ones. They will help you in the long run, and they give your body the nutrients you need to sustain life. The motivation for your new healthy living style should be to live longer. I'm pretty sure a lot of people want to live longer, and going on a healthy diet will indeed help go towards that. Do what is best for your body and eat healthy. :D

    3. I agree with not going grocery shopping with my mom. My mom's judgement on foods are better when I'm not around.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I agree and can relate to all of the other comments of my classmates. Beside that,I always worry about what goes in my body but after all, who doesn't? When I eat food that's unhealthy, I understand the risk I have of eating more unhealthy food that can ultimately make me really sick but I still eat them out of impulse and of influence. When I find out that processed, pre packaged, and instant foods contain all the hazardous chemicals that they do, I feel disgusted and I become more aware about eating foods that are hazardous to everyones health. Honestly, I always go shopping with my mom, and when I do we end up buying unhealthy things. Living in a three person house, with either of my parents not being really good cooks, it results in fast cooking meals with processed ingredients and artificial flavorings. As for alternatives of all the fatty and processed foods I eat, vegetables and fruits, grains and nuts seem like good substitutes for these. Like when I crave sweet foods in the middle of the night, I could eat a piece of fruit. Well, with all the things influencing us to eat and live an unhealthy life style one has to change the way their daily life goes, for example changing little things such as instead of eating a chips for a snack eat some salad or something. I think that by pushing yourself a little and eating healthier and exercising a little more although it's summer, you can live and have a better daily lifestyle.

    1. I do not worry about what I have put into my body over the years, because for the most part I am typically a very healthy eater. I do go grocery shopping with my parent every time. As for alternatives I would say their are none for the fact that I rarely eat junk food and my parents always give me well balances homemade meals.

    2. I wonder how the world can produce so much food in big bundles to fill our supermarkets there are more than seven billion people living on this earth x.x we should know from urban living that there is not much places that can produce products.

    3. I agree with Tiff because living in a house with less people and having someone who doesn't cook much results in fast cooking easy meals. But I'm glad that didn't stop you and you actually find foods to buy that are healthier than junkfood snacks.

  10. In all honesty, I've never really considered what was being used in all these food products. Yes, I've always been told that pre-packaged foods were "bad" and "unhealthy", but I was never really aware of the affect they truly have on our health. And the worse part is, so many people consume these foods. I've always thought to myself, "hell with it. I'm young. Might as well enjoy these days while I can. I have all the time in the future to get healthy" and then, I've told myself countless times I'm going to diet and eat healthy. Then what do I resort to? Oreos and chips and microwavable foods. Some diet, huh. But ever since I joined biomed and learned about diabetes and diet, it's made me start considering a lot more about this topic. Especially with the fact that I want to become a specialized doctor in internal medicine one day. Okay think about it.. who would want to visit a doctor who is fat and unhealthy? LOL. Better change my ways now. And my parents are typically gone morning to night for work in SF, so I always eat easy quick-to-make food... guess that better change. But as for alternatives, I've been trying to resort to having fruits and juice/smoothies as snacks.

    1. o.o pre-packed foods are tv dinners that u just heat in the microwave right? @@

    2. D: if it is tv dinner is good! lol D:< way better than my dads cooking so I'm fine with those especially seasame chicken style! :D

  11. In the past year I have been eating very healthy but honestly it was because of physique purposes not necessarily my health. It has become somewhat of a lifestyle for me now but I must admit I didn't see the real purpose of eating healthy before, considering the fact that I've never been over weight. When I go grocery shopping with my mom sometimes I would grab some packaged food that I enjoy to eat but I also make sure that we grab plenty of fruits and vegetables I like to snack on. My belief is that the only alternative to this topic is to simply eat better; stop buying their food, because I don't believe they will risk having their food taste good for something a little more healthy.

    1. xD nasty chemicals rule most of my consumed foods so yeah QQ not proud but I survive!

  12. Over the years of consuming without producing as a human I really do not care about what I eat as long as I get am filled with food was all I cared about and do not have much of a say. Whenever I grocery shop with my dad I usually make him follow off what I want but do not really need. An alternative to this is just get what you really need, people can live without excess.

    Ps: I really should not say about living without excess. xD

  13. I can honestly say, that I base the type of food I eat on whether it's tasty or not, or if it smells good. I don't really worry about what I eat because my parents cook all the time and we barely eat out. It was just one thing I never really worried about. I go shopping with my Mom sometimes. We always buy ingredients than actual frozen foods, but I'd have to say my brothers probably eat the most frozen foods (nuggets, corn dogs, fries, etc.)because they're picky. An alternative would be for people to learn how to cook at home. You would be saving more money than actually eating-out because buying ingredients can help you make tons of dishes. Leftovers can last you a few days as well if you've made a lot (which my parents do). If people were to start making food themselves, they'd be giving themselves the opportunity to learn something new to cook that is tasty, and can save you a few bucks. :)

    1. :O omg so true! i have only known how to cook cup ramen though . heat water or make sunny side up egg and even that is a challenge x.x I should agree but I take for granted my dad always cooking for me xD i even imagine myself just eating cup ramen in the future too >.<

    2. Gabe, you are on point! I can relate to you because my parents cook all the time as well and that's actually how we save our health. We tend to eat a majority of Filipino dishes that contain protein and vegetables. As you said, cooking dinner can save you money and the leftovers can be eaten another day/time and problem solved; a satisfied stomach with no cost.

  14. Most of the time I haven't really thought about what's inside of the things I ate. I do watch for some products to not eat it since I have heard it is hazardous. I go grocery shopping with my dad and just follow him on what we are going to eat that dinner. A alternative is fresh fruits or organic items.

    1. its always taco bell and mcdonalds that are on the television nowadays xD what my family do is watch for them to watch for a deal to be made lol and then we rush over to their restaurants!

  15. To be honest, I used to go shopping with my mom and put unnecessary products in the cart such as cereal, fruit roll-ups and other unhealthy snacks. I realize that they are not as healthy as they same. Yes, I do worry about what I put in my body over the years. As alternatives, I buy whole grain cereals and no snacks. The only snacks that I would consume now are fruits, organic items and nutrition bars. There are many bad and unhealthy food in the world. In my opinion, I think people need to look at the nutrition facts of product before purchasing it. Looks can be deceiving. Even things that look healthy can be extremely bad for your health.

    1. I think for people to change their eating habits it is because of a great impact on life. My dad stopped buying chips for the family to eat ever since he got another job and probably didnt want to waste his money on snacks

  16. As a little kid, I always thought that cereal and other pre-packaged foods were healthy for me. Over the years, I became aware of the unhealthiness they have. I'm aware of what I eat, but I honestly don't care, as long as I'm full and satisfied, then I am fine. If I'm not hungry but decide that I don't mind a snack, I'll consider eating an apple or celery with peanut butter. As alternatives to eating cereal or others, I try to eat oatmeal or yogurt.

    1. I do not know why but I saw in yahoo news once that one of the things you should not eat is oatmeal >.< I did not get it myself lol since I always thought they were good!

    2. Really? I tried looking the article up, but it gave me the opposite. What did the article say?

  17. Honestly, I haven't thought about what kinds of food I've eaten over the years. Like Gabriel said, I like to eat whatever tastes good to me. I eat whatever my parents leave for me to eat in the refrigerator or frozen foods that are easy to prepare. Since I don't know how to cook, I have to eat the food whether it's healthy or not. I don't go grocery shopping with my mom anymore. As for alternatives, I agree with what my classmates have said. Buying less processed foods would be a healthier choice and can save some money. I, personally, started eating more fruits and vegetables and have cut back on soda and other sugary drinks. I think that's a good way to start a healthy diet.

    1. >.< the veggies I try to stay out of always lol since I always think they gross. If humans can be only carnivores I would take it!

    2. I'm the same as you Patricia! I can't cook so I have to eat whatever is in the refrigerator. And I have to prepare frozen food at times. I think I eat more processed food than home-cooked food.

    3. Being able to cook is a neat skill. It's not that hard to learn and it's simple to do. Have a parent try to teach you how to cook. Once you learn how to, it opens up so many opportunities than having to eat frozen-food or pre-packaged food.

    4. When I was very young I depended on my parents to cook my food, but at the age of 4-5 years old my parents let me start to learn and once I got the hang of it I actually enjoyed the part of the day where I could make myself anything that i felt like treating myself to. Like Carlos said cooking can be very easy to do it can be as easy as 3 to 5 simple steps. All you really need to do is have some patience, your ingredients, and some help if you've never cooked anything before, but it can be really fun and you'd know what you would be eating if they are fresh products.

  18. I can relate to all the comments have been posted, because I have always eaten pre-packaged foods, unaware of the harmful long-term effects of eating these unhealthy foods. I knew that most of the food that I ate as a kid was unhealthy, but I didn't realize how bad they can be. I noticed that being in Biomed has helped me put more consideration in the foods I eat, so when I buy groceries I try to stay on the healthy side, not just for me, but for my family too. I believe that eating more natural foods would be a better alternative. Also buying less processed food, as others have mentioned.

  19. I honestly can say i have been treating my body good lately. I may have been eating junk food once in awhile but i am active outdoors. I am more than positive that everyone has done the same thing while we were young. Pre-packaged foods are not as healthy as we think they are. Slowly as we learn more and more about these things in school, we watch out on what to eat and how much we eat. Every time we i go shopping with my mom, i happened to notice i always put unnecessary things inside the cart only because they "taste" good. They aren't really as healthy as we think they are, it's all a artificial taste.
    My personal opinion would be to eat things such as fruits which are all natural. Buying less processed food is a brilliant idea as others mentioned.

  20. I do but sometimes its cheaper to go with the pre sealed packages so my mom buys that in bulk because I get hungry and eat A LOT at home. Lately I have been thinking about what I eat and I try to drink a lotof water every day to keep cleaning my system when i eat bad food.

  21. Do you worry about what you have put into your body over the years?

    After reading that article, yes, I do worry. Because of the simple fact that the food we are eating has those.. toxins and oils that are banned in other countries. It's scary and upright annoying that our FDA would pass such foods to be good and harmless when obvious it's not considering there are other countries who realize the type of food we eat are not the type of food they want in their country because it can harm their health. And yet we keep eating what we eating with the intention of stopping but never really happening since we're so accustomed to these type of foods. It worries me constantly and yet I cannot help myself at some times. I try and not to eat as much junk food or packaged foods. And I bet by finishing Fast Food Nation, I might not even want to eat any more fast foods afterwards considering the health negatives and what is put into it. I worry what's put into my body because I know that it can make me sick and have bad health so I'm trying my best to let go of those eating habits.

    Does anyone go grocery shopping with Mom?

    I do go grocery shopping with my mom and sometimes picking those pre-packaged foods but they are cheap and my mom doesn't mind it. But I don't even think she knows what's in it. And that's what's scary about foods - not a lot of people know what they are eating, only that it's cheap and that it satisfies their tastes buds.

    What do you see as alternatives?

    Some alternatives are to make those pre-packaged foods yourself, like the whole Mac'N'Cheese. Buy the pasta and make a cheesy layer that will basically make you know exactly what you put in. Don't buy the frozen foods and help make a real dinner. Help your parents or whoever cooks dinner so you know what will be in your body later and know that what you are eating is fresh.

    1. I agree with April on helping cook with your parents since you'll know for sure you're eating healthy and you learn how to cook.

    2. helping your parents is so good! :D they say that food tastes best after all your hard work x)

  22. Over the years I haven't worried that much on what I put into my body. I know I'm always eating bad since my siblings always remind me that I have a bad diet, but even so I still eat unhealthy foods. However, I do have those times were I feel sick about what I eat and I get that motivation to eat healthier. It never happens though... At times I do go grocery shopping with my mom. I usually let my mom do the shopping since she's the one that cooks. When my mom can't cook she tells me to buy frozen food. I just pick whatever frozen food I feel like eating because I never really thought of frozen food as very harmful to my body. For me, the only alternative you can do to avoid these pre-packaged foods is by cooking your own food. And if you can't cook your own food you should rely on eating fruit and vegetable dishes. Since they shouldn't take long to prepare.

    1. QQ lol what i envy most is people with a high metabolism D: they never get fat! QQ they make being thin so easy since people would starve themselves just to get that thin! >:(

    2. I love having a high metabolism. But there's one down side my parents always remind me of. Eventually, it'll go away and I Won't have the habits of eating healthy and working out. I would have built up the habit of stuffing my face full of food.

    3. It feels good to have high metabolism, and it's true, it'll go away. My mother always tells me to stop eating so much whenever she catches me eat more because she said I'm getting older and my body will change it's way of responding to the food the more I grow.

  23. Do you worry about what you have put into your body over the years?
    Like my classmates i too have not really worried about the stuff that i put into my body. Although I know that i should. If i am hungry i just try to eat something that is fast, easy, and tasty. I don't really think about unhealthy it is. However, now i worry about what i put in my body.

    Does anyone go grocery shopping with Mom?
    I usually go grocery shopping with my mom. When i go grocery shopping with my mom, she usually lets me buy whatever food i want. Since its summer now I have been buying a lot of unhealthy food that is easy to cook, but i know that i shouldn't eat that stuff.

    What do you see as alternatives?
    The alternatives would be to try and eat fruits and yogurt as snacks instead of chips and cookies.During the day i could even try to eat salads, sandwiches, or home cooked meals instead of frozen food.

    1. will i ever see the day when i ever give up chips and cookies! QQ i ate a whole box of cheese its by myself in just an hour D: and cookies dont make it better! QQ especially if they are oatmeal cookies

  24. I agree with most of my classmates in the way that I didn't bother or really care in what I put in my body and I use to usually eat a lot of junk food like munchies or fast food but lately, I've been more concerned with what I eat. After I read the article, it made me more aware about how some foods are actually unhealthy even though they seem healthy. I sometimes go grocery shopping with my mom and I usually end up making my mom to get unhealthy foods. I agree with my classmates in regard to some of the alternatives to those unhealthy pre-packaged foods are to actually make the food instead of buying it like people could actually end up making the mac and cheese instead of buying it frozen.

    1. o.o yeah yeah! i even heard that the more dark spots a banana has the healthier it is that ones without xD

  25. Based on my classmates’ experiences and opinions regarding this topic, I would have to agree with them. Over the years, I had not fully considered the harmful effects of the food I had put into my body, or rather I did know, but had paid no mind to it. I had always believed that a savory taste outweighed the unhealthiness of a product, which was not a good state of mind to have, especially at an early age. Growing accustomed to junk food, pre-processed foods, and frozen food, it was hard to acknowledge the fact that it could potentially have a hazardous effect on me, mentally and physically. Many people disregard these risks until something happens to them, for example, developing a sickness due to toxic and artificial ingredients incorporated into our products or being diagnosed with a health disease. Typically, I go grocery shopping with my mom, and our goal is to always cut out unnecessary and unhealthy foods in order to maintain a hearty diet. My mother goes all out for vegetables and home-cooked meals rather than purchasing frozen foods for convenience. However, I do admit I am apt at catching my eye at junk food and even purchasing them, but I do have limitations and instead view it as a treat rather than for my daily consumption. Occasionally I cook for myself, and I am aware of the food I am eating and tend to avoid eating unhealthy foods and instead aim towards healthier meals. For alternatives, I believe servings of fruit and vegetables would be a solid substitute for chips, candy, and cookies and can even deaden cravings, not to mention consuming lots of nutrients that are beneficial to your body. To stray away from the unhealthy foods in my life, I usually resort to fruits, veggies, sporadically granola bars, and even eating the fruit in season from my backyard. Having a healthy lifestyle can have a vital influence on your life and even others, in which we all can create a healthy mindset!

    1. I agree with Elefterie mainly because we live in a country where we are accustomed to fast food and frozen food that are made to make our taste buds and stomachs want more but only benefits the industry they are produced from. The reason why people turn to unhealthy choices is because of how convenient it would be to have something pre-made than something home cooked in which that would consume more time in your day. However we tend to not think thoroughly about what we eat until we actually consume it proving that junk food can be found rather impulsive. At the end of every "bad" meal I usually think of how it's going to affect my body in the long run. Even though I eat unhealthy I know not to consume TOO much of it, instead I eat small portions of junk food at a time. When I was younger I didn't eat candy or chocolate much, and until now I know they aren't my craving nor my guilty pleasure at all. Food can be an obstacle any person faces in their life because having too little or too much of it can put your health at risk. I believe that with self control in your lifestyle it is possible to tackle this constant habit of reaching for poor meal choices.

    2. So Jenn - you make a good point. By not eating much candy as a child, your body did not develop that craving. I think many of our taste cravings are created by things we eat as a child (for example, sugar) and once our brain decides the taste is pleasurable, humans become addicted.

    3. >.< well they do tell that many of the fast foods we eat are from an instant decision from your brain from the book . you dont plan on having the food until you actually see it right in front of you QQ those junk food just likes reading my mind!

  26. Most of the time I could care less what I eat nor did I pay any attention to what I ate. But now I don't eat fast food such as McDonalds because of the way it affects my health. I do go to the grocery store with my mom sometimes and she basically lets me get whatever I want. Alternatives would be fruits, chicken and fish instead of red meat, and yogurt instead of ice cream.

  27. Honestly, I really worry about what I put into my body. From fast food to fruits and vegetables. Whenever I eat junk food or drink a soda, I feel really bad for my body. But sometimes when I am really tempted to consume junk food, I just go with what my stomach says. I always pay attention to what I eat. Good or bad. Most of the time I eat fruits and vegetables. I eat good most of the time because I am really athletic. I run Cross Country, play volleyball, and do Muay Thai(Thailand Kickboxing).

    1. All athletes should eat healthy like Matt. We could perform way better in the sport. I do notice that when I don't eat breakfast, I feel extremely weak, and when I do eat, I get tons of energy.

  28. Once again I have similar opinions to my peers. I too have worried about what I have put into my body these past few years. I genuinely care about the possibly of becoming obese or having other illness due to junk food, but I tend to stop caring once I realize how delicious food is. I only eat junk food when both of my parents haven't prepared food, so I usually only eat at fast food places once every two weeks. I believe my diet is rather healthy because the snacks I have at home are fresh fruits and granola bars and my lunch and dinner don't consist of unhealthy ingredients and I don't fatty or greasy foods often. Usually I don't go grocery shopping with my mom but when I do, I rarely pay attention to what she puts in the cart. However, my parents ask what my sister and I want from the supermarket and they buy what we want. Healthy alternatives for a daily snack include fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables, for example watermelon and corn. For breakfast, I think that low sugared breakfasts items such as oatmeal would be a delicious and nutritious substitute. In exchange for fast food meals and microwave dinners a person should make their own meal out of whatever foods they have in their kitchen.

    1. I agree with Kris. Healthy meal substitutes are a good way to give nutrition to your body and can be especially tasty as well. We should try to look into healthy recipes and nutritious foods that can be a good alternative for our bodies, rather than keep consuming the regular unhealthy food we are so used to.

    2. I agree with Gabriel and Kris. We should experiment with healthy food and make them taste delicious.

    3. I agree with all of the above. I think that a lot of times we forget how good healthy foods can be. My mom is definitely a heath nut and she's constantly coming up with healthy food alternatives. Sometimes they honestly taste pretty gross but at the same time, a lot of unhealthy foods taste gross. I think that people have just accepted the thought that fast food tastes better than healthy food but that isn't true at all.

    4. I agree with Kris. When I wake up in the morning and have 15-30 minutes to spare I usually grab anything from vegetables, fruits, or grains and make myself something both healthy and delicious because as I grew up my mom taught me to make myself my own breakfast from scratch and not limit myself to cereal, pancakes, or any kind of processed or already made food. My mom always told me that its better to just make it yourself then to rely on pre-made food that you don't know exactly what it may contain.

  29. Growing up, I didn't particularly care what i was eating as long as it tasted delicious. Growing accustomed to fast food, junk, and processed food, I sort of accepted that eating these types of provisions was considered healthy, perhaps even normal. On a daily basis, I see my peers eating hot cheetos, hot dogs, tacos, and even deep fried food during lunch. It amazes that we are so “dependent” on junk that we forget the simplest necessity of eating a proper meal. Personally, I am disgusted that we put so much effort into eating process food than a home-cooked meal. We’d rather dine at popular joint, a so-called “restaurant” to fulfill our needs, when in reality we need vegetables, fruits, and grains.
    After reading the article and repeatedly telling myself not to dine elsewhere than home, I am making alternatives to alter my diet. Instead of binging on chips, ice-cream, and candy, I will divulge myself into eating grapes. Perhaps that isn’t the greatest alternative, but it is a start on my journey to an improved diet. The book and article are influencing me to eat a proper meal, which also makes me feel better. I will no longer be unhappy with myself for eating a bit too much rubbish, but be outstand with my productive summer journey.

    1. I agree with my fellow classmate

    2. I agree with Rochelle's idea of motivating myself to eat healthier. Eating junk food may taste good at the particular moment, but can cause harm sooner or later.

    3. I agree with Rochelle on how we are "dependent" on junk food but it's bad for us. Buying junk food is so much faster than preparing a home-cooked meal but we're slowly hurting are body. If there was a way to make home-cooked meals faster, I think there would be no need for junk food.

    4. I agree with both Juanna and Rochelle. We have grown accustomed to eating junk food all the time. I know a lot of kids would rather eat a bag of chips for snack rather than some fruit. Even if you think the chips taste better than the fruit, you're not really helping yourself in the future. Junk food doesn't give you that much energy, whereas some fruit does.

  30. Do you worry about what you have put into your body over the years?

    Well i have always eaten pretty healthy, especially since my mother has always cooked food from scratch. On occacion she will let my family eat frozen waffles, chips, etc. It has become rare to recieve such treats in our house hold as years keep passing by and health issues occur. However, in the back of my head I do think about all the unhealthy foods i have eaten in the past years and how it will affect me in the future. I feel that if I drink enough water, eat right, and exercise i can have a higher chance of being heathier as I grow up. Plus I was always raised to stay away from microwaved food or frozen food so it does not grab my attention as much.

    Does anyone go grocery shopping with mom?

    Like everyone else I occasionally sneak some yummy snacks in the cart. But later regret my decision because i know that the products I chose to put in the cart are healthy. As a child my mom always told me that foods contained many chemicals. Ever since I joined Biomed I became aware of why my mother never let me have the snacks I wanted especially those cup of noodles everyone loves. The good thing about my mother is she shops all organic and makes almost everything from scratch.

    What do you see as alternatives?

    Well if you want a delicious snack, instead of going straight to the ice cream or chips. Fruits, home made juices, smoothies, and salads are a great alternative.

    1. xD im sure your excerising a lot from seeing you at PE summer school all the time lol

  31. Just recently i've started to worry about what I eat and what it does to my body. Over the years, of course, I've probably never given a thought about it. My sister started the whole juicing craze, and I guess I can say I'm a part of it too. I don't drink juice packs or soda; just water, tea, or coffee.

    I usually go grocery shopping with mom. Packaged and processed foods are cheaper, and of course we're not going to by the organic version of a product for $2 more. It's just force of habit to buy frozen foods or packaged mac and cheese. But the healthiest thing we probably buy are fruits and vegetables for juicing.

    Healthy alternatives for snacks would be nuts, dried fruit (but not a lot of it). Everyone should just stick to water, juice, tea, or coffee. For meals, a salad with a vinaigrette (not dressing!!) topped with pomegranate seeds or spiced cashews, or grilled chicken with half of a baked potato topped with some cheddar. For dessert, a nicely sliced mango.

  32. After reading this article I can say that I am actually not appalled at the facts presented. The FDA allows only a certain amount of stray bugs to fall into some products (like peanut butter, mayonnaise, etc.) but I have heard about food companies that have more than the said percentage. In order to fix that, they do not throw out the tainted batch, but just add more of the food product so that the ratio is FDA approved. Another popular one is flame retardant in orange soda, which gives it the color and holds the flavors together.

    So, I do worry about what I put into my body, probably more now, as opposed to when I was younger, since I am aware of all the dangers. While when I was younger my parents were the ones who watched over what I ate. Not going to lie, even though I worry about what I put into my body, it does not mean I stop myself all the time. I have given up things like peanut butter, but orange soda is still my favorite, and even if I drink it once in a while, I should just stop drinking it altogether considering the risks.

    Yes, I go shopping with my mom on the regular. My mom is definitely the healthiest out of my immediate family, and she generally makes healthy choices. But when I go along with her that’s when the chips and candy get added to the cart.

    Agreeing with Mrs. Fri, a major alternative would be home cooked meals to avoid any problems with processing at all. But that is not always easy, relating back to the subject discussed during Week 1 on overpriced healthy foods. Small steps could be made that easily add up, like limiting the amount of processed foods, or substituting the processed snacks with healthier options.

    1. I strongly agree with Sydney, because despite how easily addicted we are to certain foods, we are unaware of the contaminated chemicals/substances that are being put into our food. These things can harm us along the line and just because it may be FDA approved and "safe", it does not change the fact that we are digesting harmful (let's say chemical/insect "debris.") and we should take precautionary measures by eliminating these types of food and instead resort to healthier alternatives.

    2. I agree with Sydney also and I wasn't that surprised about what was in the book, I've heard about it for a while. Stopping yourself from eating all preservatives ever would be a near impossible feat. Instead of stressing over every little thing we eat, it's better to learn what is good and just cutting down the amount of the chemical filled ones

    3. I agree with Sydney. Cutting back is an exceptional way to take care of your health. You can still have the occasional soda and bag of chips, but as long as it isn't a daily thing. Too much isn't good, but just a little is just right. :)

  33. Im going to be honest and say i don't really care what i put into my body as long as it is good and fills me up. When i was a little kid my mom was always on me about not drinking soda, and not eating sweets so up to now i dont really crave it so i kinda know what jenn is talking about. Id rather go eat at a fast food place even though i know its unhealthy.

    I always go grocery shopping with my mom but only if its at Costco because they have all the frozen food i like. I know those are unhealty too but just like fast food places, it all tastes so good i dont have the time to care.

    A healthy alternative for me would just be to eat whatever my mom cooks because she always tries to give us the healthiest meal possible.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I'm not proud of it but i eat very, very unhealthy every day. I eat fast food almost daily and I drink a substantial amount of soda as well. I don't really worry about what i take into my body, but i'm aware of the negative aspects it could bring. I eat enough fruits and vegetables to not survive and exercise regularly. I do go shopping with my mom and I usually want her to buy me sodas to fuel my addiction. Some alternatives could be eating out much less, eating more green vegetables and eating less carbs. But i don't really think i'll end up doing those things. My mother cooks up healthy meals which usually balance out my McDonalds habit.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. That habit of yours can simply be gone with self obedience, willingness, and consistency (:

    3. I do have to say Michael. That even after eating like that daily, you also basically work out everyday. & though you can not rid the chemicals from your body. You do waste away the calories by all the work you do. :)

  36. I would have to agree with my fellow classmates' comments. We are so caught up on trying to live life, we forget about our health and we tend not to care as much. We don't think about what will hurt us in the long run due to procrastination, laziness, and having the mindset that we are still young as to what Angel has said. I sometimes think twice about what I consume, but I end up saying, "Oh what the heck. I'll just burn the calories off later," but i never plan to do so. I go grocery shopping with my mom and usually we buy fresh meat, fruits, veggies, soda and junk food. Since i have acne problems, lately, we have been cutting down on the junkies, such as chips, cakes, chocolate, etc. to prevent any future breakouts. My mom cooks daily, so we really don't have any TV dinners stocked up in our freezer or pantry. She believes that they contain preservatives and that we should not consume them for the sake of our health. My alternatives for chips and desserts would be fresh fruit and vegetables and instead of soda and processed fruit juice, it should be water and homemade smoothies. I am currently changing my lifestyle to being healthier, so I can live longer.

    1. That's the mentality that a lot of kids have now ideas. We all tend to put things off because we're lazy and don't really prepare for the future. My parents always remind me that I shouldn't sit down on the couch all day and eat junk food. They say that my fast metabolism will leave and then I'd actually have to start eating healthy and exercising.

    2. I feel it, Carlos. As part of changing my lifestyle, I have been trying to eat fresh with homemade smoothies, fruits, etc. I have been addicted to working out for the past month, but I recently have been injured on my knee. It sucks, but there is always a way to be fit and healthy, such as working on my core and arms. I can't stop and won't stop. My motivation comes from Twitter and Instagram accounts that I follow. They have uplifting, beneficial posts on advice, quotes, pictures that are all about being fit.

  37. Honestly, now that i'm more grown up I am very self conscious about what I put into my body but i'm the type of person that always says "Oh I eat what ever want, but luckily my metabolism is fast enough so I will not gain weight that easily." As a child, I didn't really care about what type of foods I consumed because I had the mentality that it will be very easy for me to burn off the extra calories later.Compared to now, I was way more chubbier then because I didn't have a physical activity to do outside of school. After reading that article, I was very disgusted about the fact that the FDA actually approves of those actions to happen.Reading about the "secret" ingredients found in soda made me realize how great of a decision giving soda up for lent was. I have not drank soda for almost two years now because I got so used to not drinking it anymore and I don't want to break my streak. I do not consistently go grocery shopping with my mom, but when i do, we usually buy fresh produce. Although she allows me to put junk food in the cart, she still encourages me to not get it or to not get as much. Up to now, my mom still tries to scare me by saying" If you don't drink enough water, you will kidney stones." Since I do not drink soda, I drink water and tea's as alternatives.Also, I don't really have time to eat a full on meal for breakfast so I usually just bring a multi grain bar to school and hope that it will suffice my hunger until lunch.

    1. I used to think the exact same way! Like I said in my post, it took me until middle school to straighten up. My mom would also tell me that since I was young, I would be able to burn it off faster. But now I've stopped growing and I don't need the extra calories. Two years with no soda! That's really good! I'm not addicted to soda but I do like to have it every once in a while. Maybe I should give it up too

  38. I see a lot of people on here don’t exactly have my point of view on the subject. I think ever since 6th grade I started to worry about what I put into my body. It might have been influenced by the documentary I saw about a man who went a month only eating McDonalds and he got really sick. I didn’t even like fast food before that! I always felt that I could taste the preservatives and fake meat additions when I bit into it. After I learned about the diseases it could give you, I was done. I do go to the grocery store with my mom whenever she wants me to and I see a lot of healthy alternatives. Even making your own burger is better than going to a fast food joint. Sacrificing the speed at which you get you food for better quality and less deadly additives sounds pretty good to me.

    1. I agree with you about the " not caring what you put into your body" part because i was the exact same. I also remember watching that documentary with my sister! I was surprised and disgusted about how fast his weight increased by just the duration of a month. I give you props on how you try to eat healthy. :)

    2. What a coincidence, I just recently watched that documentary on Youtube. Anyways, I honestly agree that we MUST sacrifice our needs to eat quick and easily prepared meals because our society will be tumbling down filled with obese kids,diabetes, heart attacks, and food poisoning. What we should be eating are home-cooked meals to understand and visually see what is going in our body. I imagine that since we don't understand what preservatives can do, we simply choose to ignore the horrendous thought that it can kill us. But who cares right? It's tasty and convenient so what could possibly go wrong? Everything- citizens are spending numerous amounts of money on junk, becoming obese and failing to be convinced that we are what we eat!!

  39. When I was younger, I really didn't care about what I've eaten due to the fact that I didn't even know what kind of things could be in it. To this day I still have junk food here and there but I try to control it and eat healthier. There was a time a few weeks ago during summer school where I had fast food for lunch 3 days straight. I was not proud of that, and after those three days were done I felt so disgusted with myself for having that. I try not to buy out for lunch anymore and just fill myself up with the salad,carrots, and apple that they provide at lunch. I don't really like going grocery shopping with my parents because it tempts me to put junk food in the cart. To try an stop myself, I just stay by my parents and not wander around the store because if I do, I'll most likely come back with some snack in my hands. Just recently, my parents have got an alternative to usual white rice that we always have. Instead of having white riced cooked everyday we have brown rice or whole grain wheat bread.

  40. To be honest, I really didnt care about what I eat over these past years. I always believed that nothing will happen to me since Im still young. Now I look back and see what I have done to my health. I'm always skipping breakfast and skipped meals but instead eat all these junk foods. I just buy whatever is good and cheap. I realized that eating unhealthy will have a huge effect on my future health. Now, my mom doesn't let me buy alot of junk foods and order fast foods as much anymore. The alternatives I would see is homemade foods instead of the frozen processed foods we buy in our grocery stores. I think I'd rather eat fresh foods than all the preserved ones I've been eating

  41. Ok.. so um I'm a little upset of what I just read because I agree with the person who wrote that article about mac and cheese because I loved that meal when I was a little kid. But the good thing about my health right now is that I've actually been eating more fresh foods ever since and I'm glad I don't continue eating a lot of frozen foods because my mom always cooks by scratch. But I have to be honest and say we get lazy and just heat up something from a box. Now I'm scared to eat packaged But I think it's good we read this because we are actually learning to be careful on what we eat and actually look carefully at ingredients. I'm really glad I chose not to drink soda since last year because I'd be frightened to know what I've been drinking. For alternatives it really sucks because I'm a sucker for chips so I guess it would be good to make a switch to different finger foods such as veggies and fruits. I agree with Jenn on her alternative with packaged fruit that instead to buy fresh fruit and juice it yourself. I actually do this all the time and its fun because you can get creative on your juices. One last alternative for frozen dinners that are packaged is to make a switch to buy real fresh foods and just make it from scratch even though its time consuming just think about that azodicarbonamide they use for the frozen dinners which is used to make bleach and foamed plastics... yea makes you think twice.

    1. XD thinking of reading the labels for the foods we eat is good! it is the whole point of proposition 37 in california on putting labels on the foods we eat today, even though we lost. I thought it would just be a loss because all the companies wouldnt want to lose their money on their foods >. <

  42. I don't worry about what I eat or have eaten in the past,even though I know I should. I just care about what tastes the best or what I'm craving at the moment,which I think is true about most adolescents. I don't worry about what healthier alternitives I could eat, because I feel like I am still so young and careless. I think as people grow up they care more about what they eat, because the consequences are more likely or have happened to them. (For example high cholestriol) I mean how often do you see a teenager with high cholesterol? I do go with my mom to the grocery store most of the time. For healthier alternatives I could eat a protien bar instead of eating a bag of chips or wheat bread instead of white bread and add more finer and protein.

    1. >.< lol I accept my fatness as a result of not eating as healthy and working out as much as most people my age are doing @@. I just feel enpowered to change it though so I can feel like I would live my future dream of becoming a nurse better! I should not tell people to eat healthy and all if I dont live up to it myself xD

  43. I did not worry about what I put into my body over the years because I just eat anything that satisfies my stomach. I really didn't worry about it because I know I'm going to burn it off. I usually eat unhealthy, but whenever I can, I eat healthy. I know eating unhealthy is bad for my body, but whenever I eat unhealthy for a long period of time, I get conscious on what I eat for the next few days because I know diabetes runs in the family. I sometimes go grocery shopping with my mom whenever I'm with her. She usually doesn't want me to be there because she knows I'm just going to throw junk food in the cart. As an alternative, you could eat fruits and vegetables everyday and cook your own food.

    1. >.< aw lol going to the grocery is fun! my dad usually takes me since I help him push the kart and bring the groceries in lol but meh @@ i beg for junk food but my dad only gets if he has the money and all

  44. I never really worried about what I ate because I knew I would just work out and burn it off the next day. I usually just eat whatever I want although some foods can be very unhealthy for me. The next day I just work out and eat healthier to balance out my diet. Just the past couple of years I have been more conscious about what I eat because anything could happen to your body and I want to stay healthy for the rest of my life. My mom rarely buys/lets me buy junk food so I have been eating fruits for when I want something to snack on. Whatever unhealthy snack you choose there are many healthy things you can substitute for it that are just as tasty as your junk food.

    1. :D yeah yeah! like how i begged my dad to give me beefsteak for dinner instead of taco bell! i sorta regret it after I thought about tacos instead but my stomach was still satisfied~

    2. Beefsteak is way better than Taco Bell and probably a lot healthier too especially because it was a home cooked meal. It's actually my favorite dish that my dad makes!

  45. Honestly I have never really put much thought into what I eat. I didn't really put much thought into all of the bad foods I was eating, I just ate them because it made me full. For years my family has gone grocery shopping together and we do pick healthy food groups from time to time. But I never knew that even the simplest foods could be so unhealthy. So I guess my alternatives would be to actually listen to my parents and stop picking unhealthy junk food off the shelves and go for a more healthier alternative from time to time.

    1. I also did not pay much attention to the food that I was putting into my body. The feeling of being full was satisfying for me, as to you. Who would have known that some food products are made with the same things that plastic is made out of. When you walk down that chip/cookie aisle, just think of how eating that bag of chips would benefit your health. Can you live without it?

    2. I agree with elyse because many people do look at the label but they just eat it because it is very tasty and they have been eating it their entire life.

    3. I am on your side for the alternatives, Elyse. As I have heard before, 30% is built in the gym and 70% is from consuming what is in the kitchen. Nothing is ever easy when it comes to breaking scrumptious, cheap food. We just need to have self-discipline and hearty intakes, as well as being physically fit. "Your mind will quit a thousand times before your body will. Feel the fear and do it anyway!"

  46. Over the years, I haven't put a lot of thought on what I eat. I just appreciate that I actually have food on my plate and that I am actually blessed. I don’t realize that whatever I am eating is slowly killing me. I try my best to convince my mother to let us eat healthier, but my family enjoys what we eat now. I do go grocery shopping with my mother once in a while. We mostly grab the foods that my little siblings love to eat, which happens to be snacks and junk food. Occasionally, we grab some fruits but most of the time we get chips, ice cream, and yogurt. Although my mother lets my little siblings choose the unhealthy foods, my father loves cooking us the Filipino healthy foods. My father cooks most of his meals with vegetables in it. So I guess it is kind of balanced? As alternatives, I’ll just let my siblings eat the unhealthy foods, while I eat more of my dad’s cooking.

    1. I like how you're choosing the healthy way with your dad's cooking but since you're the eldest it would be good to teach your little sibling to take healthier choices. Of course it would be kind of difficult because kids are usually really picky on what they eat and usually they just want junk food, but i'm sure since you're older you know plenty of healthy alternatives that taste good too.

    2. I agree with Bianca on the fact that this food is slowly killing people without them knowing until it actually occurs. By then it's just a little too late to stop eating the stuff.

  47. Do you worry about what you have put into your body over the years? Does anyone go grocery shopping with Mom? What do you see as alternatives?

    For as long as I can remember, I've never really had much care for what I've eaten or drank. The main thing I did care for though, was if it tasted good. Other than that, I just ate whatever was in my house whenever I was hungry. Since reading that article, it made me more aware of what I'm actually putting into my body. Personally, I love mac and cheese. It's easy to make and it tastes really good. However, I would have never thought that the deliciousness of good old Kraft Mac and Cheese can actually have bad consequences on my body. Of all things to use to make mac and cheese yellow, they use food dyes that are made from coal tar! For the most part, I'm with my mom whenever she goes grocery shopping. I rarely ask for anything special, I'm just pushing the shopping cart, following my mom as she puts various foods into the cart. My family tends to buy healthy food, such as fruit, vegetables, and wheat bread. I don't really see any other alternatives for what we eat in my household. We eat fairly healthy, aside from the pizza we eat every week.

    1. I'm the same way! I feel as if there were more informative advertisements, magazines, presentations, etc, then the public would know more about the many toxic ingredients that are in the food that we consume. I was completely clueless to all of this until that article. Dang... coal tar though. That's sick.

    2. I agree with Carlos because I use to just eat whatever tasted good as well until I actually learned about chemicals such as yellow 5 and yellow 6. Also I agree that out of all of the choices to make food yellow they us coal tar. That makes you think what else is in certain foods you grew up loving.

  48. In the past I didn't really give much thought to what we put into our bodies. When I was little, I thought that eating cereal was completely safe but now I know that it contains some butylated hydroxytoluene crap. Even now, it's rare that I find myself wondering what other chemicals lie in my food because I assume that it's just food. I go grocery shopping with my mom and when I put things into the cart, like Doritos, I don't consider how many preservatives they use to keep the food fresh. Freshly made foods are better alternatives, but packaged foods are more convenient.

    1. I agree with you Bella on how we tend to go to the packaged foods more often then fresh food because they're more convenient and most of the time, more cheaper. We think it tastes better, but it's really the chemicals that are doing the flavoring. I always thought cereal was a healthy breakfast too but as I grew older i realized how much sugar they put into it and all the artificial flavors it has.

    2. I agree with both of you. Especially the cheaper part. This is why my mother buys them; it's because they're cheaper and they taste better. Also, it's a faster way to just go out and eat, you don't have to cook or anything. You just grab the food and start digging in.

    3. Your comments are spot on as well as this post! Everyone is consumed by the thought of convenience. It's much more convenient to buy a frozen pizza rather than making a pizza from scratch. Why take the time to go out and make a healthy lunch when you can just head over to McDs to go get a McChicken and some fries? That's the main reason why there is so many fast food chains sprouting up like weeds. These fast food restaurants are taking the nation like wildfire. Making it much more convenient for parents to feed their children on the go.

    4. Exactly. Convenience is being sold to us consumers. The FDA ignores how harmful these foods can be and the impact they can have on our lives because they are making money.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. I agree with all of my peers' comments. In all honesty, I do not worry about what I put into my body over the years, since I believe that it all leaves the body as waste or is converted to energy/fat. From the information in the article, it is definitely shocking! The FDA is here for the consumers to keep a keen eye on what the public buys and consumes, but if they are allowing food products to be bought although they contain harmful chemicals that are linked to many other non-food products, i.e. yoga mats, bleaching chemicals., then what are consumers supposed to believe. If companies are more focused on the end product rather than the steps to the end product, then the whole nation will be poisoned in the long term. These unhealthy food ingredients (should I even call them food ingredients???) are being consumed by incredible amount on a daily routine. I am deeply disgusted and this article changed my thoughts on what I should really think about when I pick up that spoonful of Mac or Quaker oatmeal. I already have a mindset to frown upon junk food so pre-packaged goods like frozen foods are on the bottom of my list. When I go grocery shopping with my mom, I do not have much say to what vegetables and fruits she would buy but she does take my opinions on all other foods with great weight. Instead of walking to the chips/cookies/sweets aisle, an alternative would be to go and pick up some fruits and veggies to snack on. An apple or some celery instead of snacking on Lay's Potato Chips or Cheetos is an extremely healthy alternative rather then just bumming around the house holding a family size bag of potato chips. Due to the extinction of pre-packaged/frozen meals, home cooked meals are looked at with a smile. My mother cooks all of the meals in this house and are oftentimes filled with many healthy ingredients ranging from a wide variety of veggies to fish to Korean pepper paste. As long as parents lead by example, then the nation would not be faced with the dilemma that it has now. A majority of the weight is on the parents' shoulders to choose the healthy lifestyle since it is in their hands to what food the child will eat in order to reach that "Healthy Lifestyle."

    1. Michael's opinion about fast food has been transformed from reading the book, which is pretty powerful because as American teenagers, we eat fast food more often (when hanging out with friends, just to grab a bite, etc.) I agree with Michael on how the majority of the weight is placed on parents' decisions because their children are affected by their decision-making, which is why they should lead good examples, including a healthy lifestyle!

    2. My opinion on fast food really has went through serious development. I strongly urge for parents to go and help their children grow on a healthy lifestyle otherwise they will start eating unhealthy and maintain that mindset throughout their life. When asked "Why do you eat that?" they will say something like "This is what I ate ever since I was a young'un." This is the problem that some people face. This sense of belonging to their early roots in the convenience industry.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I have to agree with Micheal, a lot of the choices we make in regards to what we eat are solely based off of how and what our parents fed us. Even in the book it states that a child who is raised with eating vegetables will show a huge difference to a child who was fed chicken mcnuggets every day. What they fed us really does have a huge impact on our lives because we feel comfort in the foods that we've grown accustomed to because we trust our parents and their choices in what they give us to eat.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Wow, that article is just ... wow. I am honestly both appalled and not. I mean I've expected that these delicious, quick and easy meals had types of chemicals that made them so desirable but I guess I just tried to hide from the truth.

    I, like many of you, have never really gave a second thought to what I ate because I knew it tasted good and there was no way I was gonna give up a happy meal. My grandparents used to feed me top ramen every day after school which lead to, sadly, an addiction. However in recent months my body began to react differently to all the greasy foods I ate from fast food restaurants and that was a wake up call for me. I began to think of all the health diseases my family are prone to and I began to freak out because I didn't want to have to get a quadruple bi pass like my grandpa! So I guess you can say that was the turning point in my "health life". As hard as it is I try to avoid the yummy breakfast sandwiches and crunchwrap supremes that I had grown to love.

    To be honest with you guys, I really don't go grocery shopping with my mom anymore because I feel that its best I don't put myself in a situation where I will cave into my craving for Pocky, Hello Pandas, and an array of other snacks. I leave the job of grabbing all the stuff thats good for us to my mom and its not that bad! But when I do go with her I grab carrots, broccoli, and other yummy vegetables for snacks instead.

    As far as my experience in reacting to the fast food and every thing else processed, has anyone had that same thing happen to them? The painful stomach aches and sharp feelings in their abdominal region? Haha or am I just weird?

  54. Reading this article reminds me about the red chemicals they put in hot cheetos that can also cause cancer. The red chemicals i learned that are in hot cheetos are kind of like a drug, addicting and you just have to have more once it is all gone. Ever since I learned about those chemicals I stopped eating certain food and I definitely pay more attention to the labeling on food when I go grocery shopping. Ever since I stopped eating these certain foods my health has definitely been better and I contain more energy.

    1. This is so interesting because I never actually thought that cheetos actually had chemicals that would make you addicted.

    2. Haha no wonder i eat like 10 chips as i am putting my bag of chops away. Thanks for this fact I think I'm going to eat less chips from now on.

  55. While reading this article the first thing that came to mind was that there's so many food products out there that have food coloring including one of my favorite snacks. Before I started to read this article or Fast Food Nation, I never really gave thought about what I was actually consuming or more importantly what was in it. I knew most of the fast food and processed food was not the best to eat, but they just "looked good" or just seemed the most appealing to my tastebuds. I never gave thought that they could actually lead to cancers and other health issues. When I go to the store usually with my parents or siblings we usually just get milk, some type of meat, vegetables, fruit, bread, eggs, tortilla, and my favorite chips or cookies. Most of these items just seemed "natural" and healthy to me, but when I realized that it's not exactly the "safest" to eat if they may contain chemicals or bacteria that I am not aware of.

    1. I never thought that the processed foods caused cancer either which is really scary, since for like 15 years I've been eating processed food alot. I wonder if the Gerber baby food is healthy haha.

    2. Yes and that scariest part is you are not informed that they are either.

  56. Growing up I have always been someone who is rather health-savy about what I eat. However, reading Fast Food Nation along with reading this article in many respects makes me feel a sense of betrayal. Living in the US and traveling to other countries, I have always appreciated the health security that living in America brings since it is always thought of that our nation is always on top of the game. Therefore, I have always trusted the products that are in supermarkets. Of course like anyone else I have always loved getting food with my parents and picking up all the tasty snacks that I can because hey, they're easy to eat. I never thought twice that these snacks would contain such mystery chemicals that are this fatal to our health. It is embarrassing to know that the FDA is not on top of their game as they should be and that living in a country like America, we have to feel like this. Obvious alternatives I see to these unhealthy snacks are taking the extra time to experiment with healthier, natural, familiar ingredients to create things. I genuinely believe that there are endless possibilities if you put your creativity to use, even in the kitchen.

  57. As an elite wrestler or any type of athlete for that matter, I keep a close eye on my food consumption. Processed and packaged goodies are so desirable for mothers everywhere because they are convenient and fit well in the on-the-go lifestyle and are tasty to their children. As an alternative, I propose something called "meal prep Monday." This is basically a day where meals for the whole week are cooked and put in plastic containers and refrigerated. Healthy, hearty, and home-cooked meals such as chicken breast and broccoli. Snacks are prepared beforehand too like a nut medley or my personal favorite, raw almonds and blueberries. Making meals at home can help you trust what you eat without having to throw out the convenient part of it. This is much like at home packaging instead of in the factory. Just pick up a container, and go! Sure it is a lot of work to prepare that many meals and cook a whole weeks worth in one day, but knowing BHT and harmful chemicals are not being consumed is well worth it in the end. After all, you are what you eat!

  58. Honestly, I've never really paid too much attention to what I eat. Sometimes I'll try to eat completely healthy, but that'll fail after about two or three weeks. I really never pay attention to what goes into pre-packaged foods. I think there definitely many alternatives such as fruits and vegetables.

  59. Growing up, I've dealt with eating too much to eating absolutely nothing at all. My brother and I were never picky eaters and we love eating fruits and vegetables. I have never really paid attention to what I eat especially when I was younger. Whenever we go out to buy groceries I always go towards the healthier foods, but I do once in a while head towards to junk food aisle. After a good amount of time, I noticed that buying the healthier foods would lead to buying groceries more often because we do consume the items faster and they spoil faster too. Then we buy more frozen and processed foods because they last longer to our convenience. We do eventually get sick of the stuff knowing how eating too much of it can make you sick and buy produce again. We learned to change small things and new tips like buying the items the day of consumption and changing the type of rice we eat.

  60. Growing up I never really cared what I ate because my mom usually includes vegetables and fruits in my meals, so I thought that was good enough. When I go with my mom grocery shopping I never really asked for stuff since when my brother goes grocery shopping with my mom he would always ask for junk food so I would just snack on that, plus I don't really like asking for stuff. There are many alternatives to junk foods, I mean there's vegetables and fruits, and instead of drinking some juice or soda drink some water unless you made your own juice.
